Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Train Stories....

Yes the day starts and everyday perhaps starts in the same way and ends in a similar fashion as well .There is overall no newness in life once you are into a job and when everything is going smooth.But human mind always wants to break the monotony so finds one or the other way to keep itself busy in discovering something new every time there is a chance.As far as I am concerned am no exception to the rule and definitely one in the crowd.For me also at the present moment life is confined from home to work and work to home ....sometimes feel the charm of old college days is lost ...when everyday was an adventure...every moment was a moment for exploring the world around...My life starts every morning from Chicago downtown to the north western suburbs and fro like a pendulum oscillating in a regular defined way......same stairways ...same bus 20 Madison to the Washington street and then the blue line train till Rosemont.

The Monotony of the journey being ..... every day 50 mins of train ride...sitting idle crossing the same expressways ,same kind of people busy to get to work.But apart from the Word MONOTONY which I have used for the Nth time ever since I started this article........ there is something interesting which happens eveyrday in the same train with the same kind of people and sharing similar destination.(By destinations here I mean similar stoppage stations) I am in no hurry once I get on the train from the Washington station as my destination, the Rosemont station is the last but one before the final stop of the train .Within these 50 mins I have nothing to do except observing people and their behaviour .Sometimes, I must admit openly ,that the inquisitiveness to observe human behaviour pulls my ears towards the conversation that they would be having in their group of two or three.Certains words catch my mind ....certain emotions makes me think over again and again ....certain glimpses of the life style of an individual is definitely reflected from the gestures. Yes for some people it is definitely boring to observe others and foolish to ponder over strange kind of conclusions which are derived from moments of gestures.But mind you I do not analyse the individual what I analyse is how is the behaviour and way of thinking of one different from the other...even in short shots.It is certainly true that what I see in the train is only a snapshot of the behaviour rather than the overall behaviour but I feel nothing better is a place to observe the natural tendencies of anyone than in a train. It is not the workplace where you ought to abide by certain decorums ,follow certain notions and present yourself as desirable and exhibit professionalism .It is not home where you are in a relaxing mood with no tensions or apprehensions amidst family and behaving in a very informal way ,careless and do as you like .It is a place where you are surrounded by the general public who have no expectations from you and do not even know you.You are not expected to show anyone what you are for no one bothers about what you are .Yes. Train is an ideal place to know some part of a person for a person is normally what he is ,here ...rather then behaving in certain ways expected out of him in the workplace or home as well.Train is a point where it is neither like ....Do as they like(as in office)or Do as you like(as in home ).Be it home or work there is an obligation to someother party in what ever actions of yours ........but that is not the case in a train .A very natural ,self centred man can be seen who exhibits a behaviour which is absolutely unique to itself yet has to be rational. Now instead of trying to explain you why and how train is a good place to observe people ...making the long story short I have no other thing to one of the motivating factor which drives me to do this...I might put a series of these train stories in my blogs instead of this one only as I have a lot of incidents which I want to share with you ...just one liner overheard conversations backed by my way of thinking that you can also share somepart of your thoughts with me .If you agree to do this thought borrowing and lending job then I might start today itself......You know I am kind of scared to start with these stories because one might not be as intersting as the other since here would occur a comparitive study and as one feels good, the sad part is the other one might not be that good .The problem with any human is it increases the expectations.And once the expectations are increased the good things becomes taken for granted and the so called ''Gooder'' thing is desired instead of ''Good''. But I need to start despite of the interests and expectations from the other side.... ......

The train was crowded when I got into, an unusual occurence ,no place to stand people with their luggages and stuffs as the blue line train goes to the O'Hare International Airport.Somehow I managed to get into one of the corners ....No big deal for me ...I look like a dwarf in front of the general public especially people from the South side of the state....

Standing near me were two men .One guy in his early 40's tall ,robust and yes definitely tough .My desparate mind again came to its original freaking nature and I started getting swayed with my ocean of perceptions based on the looks and gestures.Tall ...ya tall would be the word to describe his height for I was hardly reaching his chests ...wearing an Armani perhaps with golden cufflings and a golden watch tied to the wrist.Looks of a gentleman ,rich and smart. As I stood close to him the smell of Pierre Cardin made me wonder the reason why he was on the Blue line .In front of him stood another guy sleek and slender ,yet handsome whose wedding ring was the first thing which caught my eyes.Must be in his late 20's .Fingers were like those of a lady carefully manicured and a huge diamond stud set on a tripod made it look as if his marriage is one among the so called successful ones.

The train was at its usual speed so conversations were fading out because of the sound .Yet body languages also make us realise few things as certain things can better be felt when seen rather than when heard.Confidence showed in one and overconfidence in the other.I really could not make out what they were talking because of the continous inturruptions made by the people moving in and out at every stoppage and announcements made in the train every now and then because of the construction work going on the railtracks.But the oneliner which caught my ears was ....Bob ,why do you always plan to buy ...I never plan to buy I always plan to sell.Again inconspicuos conversations ....I was thinking what is this guy trying to tell ...Is the logic really a good one ...Does the entrepreneur looks really represent an entreprenuer...And finally could understand what they were talking of the guy with diamond ring waved him a good bye saying that ....OK George .Next time I plan, I will plan to sell houses instead of buying a house.

The words made a mark onmy mind ....Is it not great on anyones part to have an idea like this...Is this not what everyman needs to think to be successful....When we try to cater to the needs of other people it will definitely and invisibly cater to our own needs .I kept on wondering ...and also realised why success is not every ones cup of tea yet some really get a big share of it ....Why did I never ever thought in that way ......Will share more of my experiences but not now as I am too tired comprehending the initial story rather than explaining the tiny incidents ...But I promise next time I come up with a train story it will be a good one ...As that one would focus more on the story rather than the other details which I included in this one ....causing the dilution of the topic and purpose with which I started to write.

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