Monday, January 14, 2008

The little joy of my life PART II

As I sit on my couch on this lonely afternoon watching the snowfall I wonder how many days have passed since I became a mom!! How come I suddenly turned into a brave , responsible and energetic mom from a timid girl .I no more display my girlish behaviour now that I know I have a girl to take care of.These past 4 months have been gigantically significant and happening for me .So many things flood my mind as I try to recall and write...I still remember how I had the first glimpse of Isha ...Small ,cute yet fragile Isha on the dispenser tray .....Oh good lord My 14 pound baby was only 6 pound and a 13 ounces then .I can neevr forget the first touch of hers ,the first cry and the first sight .On a tray like a salamender rolled my baby with creaky squeaky voice like that of a squirrel and I could not believe she was here making the proud declaration of her arrival......I was busy and occupied with the little princess and all the while though so many things happened I cud seldom find time to pen down all of it .Isha, as the doctor says has the biggest cheeks in the whole world,I was worried why Isha wud not eat and doctor said donot worry she has so much of fat in her big cheeks that she cud take in the whole winter withought eating.Mr Richard Pervos ,The doctor remembers Isha among his huge pratice and tiny patients .Every compliment from people makes me fill with joy and happiness as I am alone only God guiding me to raise this baby and who else's support do I need when God holds my hand.Isha is divine ,she is blessed the very birth of hers filled our life with joy .....It is a sense of completeness for a couple specially me and Raj feel so blessed to have ehr........Now Raj tries to find out cute little names for my lady but we named her as Isha which has a string twined to God in all the religion of the world .isha in Hinduism is supreme consciousness and word Ishwar is derived from isha .Isha is the 5th prayer salah in ISLAM and Isha means lord Jesus in Bangladesh and Mexico as well as ancient aramic language which is supposed to be the language of the Christ.I sha is a jolly baby not at all fussy very friendly .The sparks in her eyes are the best and Raj always looks into those honest simple sparkling eyes trying to figure out what color they are.He keeps changing his opinion about her eyes but I know ,I know right from her birth they are hazel.The eye lashes are reflections of her dad.With her eyes closed I see Raj in it .Isha has a chin exactly like mine and all her temperaments as of now matches mine.She is lovely friendly yet has a big attitude.She neevr forgets ......and most of all Isha loves food.She has started eating cereals, rice and oatmeal and also many veggies like beans carrots sweetpotato etc.Though she cannot eat potato at all as of now.Isha loves fruits puree....I always felt banana as a slimy not very interesting food to have but now I feel banana as the best thing in the world as she loves it ......she cud eat one whole banana puree at 5mon ths of age and still long for more.She smiles at her dad's words ......dusta ta re...............some phrases become so important in life never understood their meaning and how lovely they r till they give meaning to your life....thats why they say every word is a pearl is just that you have to gather all these pearls carefully and preserve it to count at the end of your life as to how many you had.She speaks ambiguous words making no sense yet the most sensible ones for us .She says ma from 2 months and now that shs is 5 she clearly calls mam mam .....and I so love it .Her hands are always busy and upto something .While tummy time she is more busy scratching the pillow rather than concentrating on anything else .There is this cute little monkey and the big flower which she learned to identify herself with as the first few objects of her life.I donot know with what objective GOd bestowed upon us the responsibilty to raise Isha but I shall do it with my utmost care and I have the confidence that I will be able to make it .Just thinking what wud Isha think if one day she happens to read these lines of mine written on this snowy evening of february the 7th 2008.I found sometime tio write these while she was having her famous 17mins nap nd now she is awake wide awake in my arms.Thoughts abt her to pen down are endless but holding her as she gets restless peeping into the computer it is difficult to continue any furthjer ......but Iwll come back again during one of her nap I HAVE TO BE WITH THOSE BIG CHEEKS.{CONTD}

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