Thursday, January 04, 2007

My wish

Your thoughts reminds me of your looks .
Your looks reminds me of your gestures.

Your gestures reminds me of your
gentle acts of love .

The unforgetable touch of your hands
reminds me only of the fingers .

The caressing of fingers
heightens the emotion .
But it is the touch of gold
which drags me back to reality .

Watching at the gold ring
I find the stones set on it
so lucky and priveledged
to be always with you and whine .

The empty place on the ring
arouses my senses
and I wish
to fill the shape to make
the ring complete and myself blessed and divine .


Anonymous said...

Hi Sanjukta, read this poem 'My wish' just now.Shows where human emotions can take us.Definitely touching...
I hasten to add another but similar feeling I read somewhere which i would like to share. Quote- "Last night thinking of you one tear rolled out. I asked why r u out. The tear said there is someone so beautiful in your eyes, there is no place for me." Unquote.

Alpha, Sat a/noon. India

Mãe Dinah said...

I really enjoyed your stuff!