I am sure the very word restlessness puts a big question mark on every one’s face...Is restlessness a sense of deprivation of something which is indeed needful or is it a sense of being a little bit demotivated in life.... or can the word restlessness be used with a positive intonation...What ever it is but everyone has to agree upon a single fact that it is just a state of mind rather than really being a problem in life...for that matter even problem itself is a complicated word to define .We cannot say that a problem leads to restlessness though sometimes it might . Similarly we cannot always say restlessness is caused because of problems but sometimes it could be .Restlessness in its true terms for me is a feeling within ourselves which is absolutely within the self rather then caused due to any outside circumstances or situations.Restlessness to a person can be categorised into various classes...one which is really irritating...another which could be filled with anxiety and joy ....other which is kind of a mixed feeling... a state of being extremely apprehensive....The degree of restlessness and the pain that it causes can never be expressed in words.Let me put few examples here and you, I believe, are smart enough to categorise it into the right basket .The sources of all the examples stated here are my dear friends ...(old woodies and buddies ). So here goes the endless list of situations where one is restless but you have to think which one really makes one sad and are all of them dragging one to be sad? I strongly believe NO is the answer. Think of someone getting late for the business meeting and has a connecting flight but misses it ....how about someone waiting for their results though they know they are good as pupils ....how about an would be dad whose wife is in the labour room who is getting restless to see the baby and does not know whether it is a baby boy or a girl ....how about a couple who goes for a movie in the theatre with their friends ...little is known to their friends about their relationship so they both being unable to sit together as one of the friend occupies the seat besides the lady bird....another similar example is a lover waiting for her beloved even if she says no she cannot come..... this guy waits being restless ....I sometimes really wonder is it really that restlessness causes pain....!!If so then why do we human beings always look for ways to get restless ....Is it so that man wants to be or to put it in other way enjoys being restless.....Or is man so very apprehensive about his every step, every action in life that he tends to get restless even with the slightest change .Patience is a sure shot solution to get out of a state like this ...but we human beings perhaps 'have learnt to ' enjoy the apprehensive state more than the way we could actually enjoy being patient .Now analysing the old bird in the nest again from a different perspective ....how does our restlessness affect and what effect does it have on the surroundings ....Telling you the first principle of effects of restlessness is Do not show it (though there are few exceptions which we will come to at a later stage). It might cause tension and a sting of restlessness to the right people and happiness to the wrong people. When I say right & wrong people I mean under the realms of the right people come all the people who are happy when we are happy. It includes our well wishers which includes definitely our parents and some relatives and few friends can be also included in this category. In a similar way wrong people must have made sense to you.Human mind as such is very complex. When all our basic needs are fulfilled and intangible things start giving happiness ,most of all tend to develop a sadist attitude within ourselves to a lesser or greater extent. So when we see someone else in a state of restlessness and we are the wrong set of people for him then we feel calm from inside. So please never show it for you never know who are the wrong set of people in your life.Even if my words do not sound very polished but think over it.Let me present the same thing in an appealing manner for people who are at this moment having conflict about the above words and are not ready to accept it. They say speaking out decreases the agony ...that could be true but lets view the same situation from two different places one being the victim and other being the mentor...Words are always endless and mentor can always explain in a good way that everything is going to be fine given some time ....But when the same person faces the similar situation the opposite one can become a very good mentor ....so does that solve the problem ...NO...We human beings are made up the same element, what causes pain to one also causes pain to other ...what creates a state of unrest in one will also definitely create in another. Mentoring might give a temporary solution but the permanent solution can only be given by us ....I am trying to end the topic as now I feel it is becoming too lengthy ...I dunno but words are many and not really many would be interested to read it, so am stopping here ...but still have few more words to say.....No let's end it hereJust the last sentence see I am getting restless to write somemore...but know how to control....end it with one more line...... Restlessness can never pave a path by being a solution to any problem but do not make it a pavement to get you into bigger problems in life.
Kudos to u, ma'am. From ur words, it seems u observe very carefully the human emotions and have described so neatly. Keep going on!
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
Hi there
Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
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