Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stringent strongest bond

Some people always remain in the said by everyone death and beyond death........... everything lacks the capability to snatch away the beautiful personification that our heart beholds.Anything done truly and honestly becomes so strong that even if you sometimes lack the courage to stand for yourself it just doesnot...........No matter how near or how far,how existent or nonexistent a memory is if you love it  no one can wipe it .

Certain things in the heart are so strong that when your brain starts curbing on the path and cannot justify its non existence ,its own self esteem ,these memories........... words from these people help you get ahead in life.The relationship might be nonexistent at certain point of time in life and almost vanished but the feeling of niceness endured through all these years and richness added with the gradual indulgence of strong entwinement of bonding saves your life often .

Words are so strong  that it can make every emotion really fragile and every effort really futile but then no words can wipe out a good memory ............a good memory will always be a'' God memory'' ....whenever you think about the incident amidst all sorrows a natural unknown smile comes up and then you realize though not now but one day it was true ...true as the sun moon and stars existence, as  colorful  as the pink flamingoes and as honest as the first smile of a baby for its mother.

Your beliefs makes what you are ...has been heard so many times but who ever realises it is the ultimate winner....I donnot mean a success when  I say a winner...I mean some  peace and self justification to its very sense of living ,which in my opinion is even more necessary than success.

Temperament differs emotions differ situaitons differ but we all have those GOOD MEMORIES from one time or the other,One relationship or the other and love emerged ,genuinity shared defies all other stringent protocols in life........Who can wipe out a bond other than you on your own !!

Ever concurrent thoughts

Never healing ever failing
I thought how hard is it to try..........
but do u think I should die?

One love affair
n I dare
lands me no where
unseen emptiness here and there.

Smile camouflages the fragile heart
patience seals the state of art
brevity takes along this lone 
I wonder if I will be gone 
before all this is gone

Entire empire being mine 
looks like everything is fine
no one knows the feel of my life burn
I have no where to return

I put in everything honest 
twisted and turned my words come to me as pests
unable to survive 
no matter how hard i thrive

whose is the jurisdiction
in whose hands lie my diction

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making or Breaking..??

I wrote a small verse long back probably some 10 years ...This was the time when as an adolescent I was learning facts about life as well as seeing the world as I never saw before .Realisation is the process in continuum steadily since then the old realisations have lost their charm but still remember few of the thoughts that always hit the shore like thunders in my mind .Penning down to check if anyone agrees or disagrees to my feelings as a BIG 'kid' ...donot remember all of it though.......!!

The two words flood my mind and
I really wonder
whether a thing is
made to break
or broken to be made
But these thoughts makes me mad !!!

Playing gimmicks is easy
but gimmicks does not make life easy
for life is not a child's play .

I really wonder together we will make or break
and making or breaking will
continue till my END
What flares my mind is
Shall we make bridges or barriers ....??
Shall we break barriers or bridges....??
And shall we break each others heart
or the thread that whines us
Or break the incompassinate misunderstandings between us .

What will be
Making and breaking
being natures stringent law .
we ,a part of the universe
are to be within it ,
to wipe out each others flaw.

Countless happy moments....

Yes ...Sad moments are abundant but happy moments are no less.Sometimes when you analyse you might realise a small event which is sad is remembered every now and then ,related and co-related to various circumstances but how many happy moments do you remember and cherish evry now and then....Are you not indeed willing to agree with me when I say moments of happiness as well as sadness are like rain and then sun ...each of them being complimentary to one another and helps us in realising the importance of the other ....What I mean to say here is when it is scorching heat and there is a shower of rain everything feels so calm ,cool and nice but when it rains all day long do we like it not we remember the sunny days....
By the above stated words I was in fact trying to justify the significance of a sad moment in life.The fact is happiness becomes monotonous and happiness disperses and gets diluted eventually but when there is a sad moment ,a deviation from the normal we tend to fight back and get it to the normal state which becomes a happiness for us .My words might seem too complicated so here goes a small example to support the statement... Supposingly,I am a very good athelete .....My legs are wings for me ....I win the first prize for a competition for being swift...I am HAPPY....two months pass .....happiness starts diluting ...the shine of the golden medal starts fading .....the certificate offered is shifted from my study table into the iron chest to join a hoard of other similar certificates happiness gets diluted.....I suddenly get injured .....wings break ...cannot even stand on my leg......forget about running SAD comes ......treatment starts.....all ailments again getting in the whirlpool of sadness now I cherish those good moments when I used to run the winner everywhere ......suddenly one day My legs respond to one medicine and I start healing ....finally I am back to the world with my wings ...ready to fly......I am overwhelmed with joy Happy!!!

Now let us come out of the web of happiness and sadness .I have a bad habit of diluting the topic with which I start writing everytime....So forgetting all things let me help you in refreshing all your happy moments in life which remains in each and everyones heart but may be in one corner which we never visit ....So why not pull it now ....
Hey remember .....
First time when you felt Daddy is the strongest and the best....
Daddy is so tall that u have to stand on your toes to catch his finger ....
Daddy and you bathing together you asking daddy to kneel down so that you can put shampoo on his head....
Daddy taking you to your first movie in a theatre where you feel how can a TV be so big and keep searching for the sound and color buttons on the screen instead of watching the movie....
When you stood in front of the scooter while daddy driving it and blowing the horn when needed as well as when not needed...
When mommy gives you your first musical birthday card given by daddy for he cannot be with you and when you open it u hear all the wonderful universal birthday music but one last sentence which says 'from Bapa'
When Daddy gets you your first two wheeler and you are finally able to drive it all by yourself ...he sitting at the back....
When you felt for the first time that mommy is the most beautiful person ....
When you sleep in her arms and feel the softness and the warmth .
When she dresses you for the fancy dress competetion and you get the first prize...remember the smile on her face....
Remember when she comes to pick you up from school when you are in a new school......
Remembr when you helped her in baking a cake ...she unwillingly willing to let you do that ....and you feel great to have helped mommy....
When she sews dresses for your doll out of her own clothes...
When mommy gets you the first shoe with heels....
When you take mommy for a ride on your new bike ....
When you wear mommy's saree for the first time for your school fairwell and mommy saying''I am sure you would be the prettiest one today''
When you give her your first earned money out of the summer training projects....hey rememeber those hands full of blessings ....
When you go to see your little brother in the hospital the first time wondering is he also going to be with you for some more time so that you can play with him...
When your brother tells you that you are one fat hog but defends you in front of your ever teasing friends...
When your brother comes and wants to sleep near you and you pushing him out with a wish that he comes back again so that you both can again fight and some more time passes by without dullness captivating the house....
When your brother becomes taller than you and stronger than you holding your hands yet not hitting you even when you hit him....just smiling simply smiling ...oh what a smile was that I forgot the world indeed....
When your cousins would come home for summer vacation ...
When you and your cousin happily fed the cow on the road with papaya plant and other flower plants which your dad had newly planted(ONLY because daddy scolded you)...
The ocean of laughter for nothing shared with your cousins when the tummy hurt to the last extent .......
When you show your watch to a friend in school when teacher is scolding her only because inscribed on the watch is ''Who cares''
When in school the teacher in class thinks you are one good dude but you answer looking at the book under the desk....
When the class claps for you ...cheers you at your success....
When you go on your first study tour ........only friends and friends around one to put a halt on the ever continuing sharp talks and jokes.
Remember wiping out the sweat after a loaded presentation....
When your granny tries to do you a hairstyle of her time ....
When she tries to peel the mango for you with a feeling that you might eat the peel as well for you are too small when you are not ...
When she tells you your childhood stories of what you did and said as a kid ...
Most of all remember the moment when your prince stepped into your life....
The love of your life..... unsaid unspoken yet true love brimming out of the eyes....did your world not stop for a moment.......
The first person who makes you feel you are the only one he has been waiting for ....the only person who can understand him ....the first proposal ...the first touch ....time on its golden wings ...fleeting with subtle wings .....
remember he looking at you, willing to be near you,longing for your presence ..... yet unable to say it out....
You dressing up for one hour for a 10 minutes possible encounter....and that 10 mins turns into a longer one....
You going out together ...for the first time hand in hand without thinking of what the world feels .....
Then the ever cherished moment.... you become a part of his life and so does he .
Hey I remember it all ...........How about you .........add some to this if you are willing to .......I would be happy to read them......